Homeless Kittens Need Your Help!

It’s Kitten Season, the time of the year when shelters are flooded with moms with their litter and orphaned babies that need round-the-clock care. We are committed to saving as many vulnerable animals as possible, but we need your help! There are many ways you can get involved.

Donate to the  Dill & Penny Kitten Fund >
Contributions to this fund will enable us to focus on preventative measures such as spay/neuter services, community cat programming, outreach and diversion programming, and more. It will also help pay for items and services to care for these most vulnerable babies when they do make their way to Heartland (e.g., baby bottles, weaning food, and KMR).


Foster kittens or moms with their litters >
Some pets arrive too young to be housed in the shelter due to their undeveloped immune systems. Some of these pets require bottle feeding while others will be weaned. These pets will require constant care until they are old enough to return to the shelter to be adopted.


Purchase kitten items off our Wish List >
Kittens can eat a lot of food! Some of them also need special formula and other supplies.